You can configure the cart to make a silent HTTP (or HTTPS) call back to your website on the successful completion of an order. This is definitely an advanced option because it is assumed that the call will post to some sort of script. Possible uses include; your own affiliate program, update an inventory product database or send the customer a customized email.
The method can be a GET or a POST request and any text returned by the server is ignored. It is strongly recommend that you declare the variables in your script properly. New columns/fields are added to the remote call on a regular basis.
There are three demo scripts available for download for PHP, Perl/CGI and Cold Fusion. Each one simply sends an email to your customer based on the information included in the call.
Please note: Sorry but I don't support these scripts, it's simply too much time sorting out people's scripting problems. They are there simply to give you some ideas on how the Remote call may be used.
You may be integrating the cart into your own systems. In which case you may need to maintain state across the transaction. To do this you can post a field called sd which is carried through and posted back in the Remote call.
Doing a look-up on a product database will be much easier if you have have included a stock code in your Buy Now links. Use a field named scode (or scode# with an addmulti.cfm form). The value will be included as the fourth part for each item in the returned cart string. For example with two products sold in an order that have codes PX001 and PT0045 you might receive back a cart looking something like:
First product description:1:9.99:0:PX001~Second product description:2:8.99:0:PT0045
username | Your username | Char(8) |
id | Customer/Shopper ID | Integer |
ip | The customer's IP address | Char(15) |
date | Date/time the order was placed | Char(20) |
method | Payment method ie Card, Check, MO | Char(15) |
giftvcode | Gift voucher used to pay with | Char(15) |
giftvamount | Gift voucher amount | Decimal(13,2) |
pay_data | A pipe | delimited list of data relating to a payment (PayPal Payer ID, etc.) | Char(200) |
cart | Each product is delimited by a ~ and description, quantity, price, shipping units, stock code by colons : | Blob |
giftvouchers | Each voucher/certificate is delimited by a ~ and amount, name, email and message for recipient by colons : | Blob |
voucher | Discount voucher | Char(15) |
vval | Discount voucher value | Decimal(13,2) |
subtotal | Decimal(13,2) | |
discount | Discount given | Decimal(13,2) |
shipping | Value of shipping | Decimal(13.2) |
tax | Value of sales tax | Decimal(13,2) |
total | Total value of order | Decimal(13,2) |
shipping_zone | Shipping to zone, numeric ie 1, 2 or 3 | Tiny Integer |
shipping_calc | Data from shipping calculations | Char(100) |
inv_name | Name to invoice to | Char(50) |
inv_company | Company name | Char(40) |
inv_addr1 | Char(50) | |
inv_addr2 | Char(50) | |
inv_state | Char(25) | |
inv_zip | Char(15) | |
inv_country | Char(15) | |
inv_id | Tax ID | Char(16) |
del_name | Name to Deliver to | Char(50) |
del_company | Char(40) | |
del_addr1 | Char(50) | |
del_addr2 | Char(50) | |
del_state | Char(25) | |
del_zip | Char(15) | |
del_country | Char(15) | |
del_tel | Ship to telephone number | Char(20) |
tel | Telephone number | Char(20) |
fax | Fax or Mobile number depending on your setup | Char(20) |
Email address of customer | Char(50) | |
currency | Tiny Integer | |
extra | Unsecure payment option data | Char(200) |
message | Customer message | Blob |
edata | Extra customer data fields | Char(240) |
sd | Your session data | Blob |
hash | md5( Username . Shopper ID . Order Total . Secret Key) | Char(32) |